White Castle is famous for it’s small silder sized burgers and Harold and Kumars adventures. If you want to try these little bites you will need to knew where you can find a White Castle location.
What States Have White Castle?
As famous as White Castle is, you may be surprised to find out that its restaurants are mainly located within the Midwest with a fes scattered around the remainder of the United States as well as a couple of International locations.
Table of Contents
How Many White Castle Locations Are There
There are currently 352 White Castle locations that are located within fourteen different states and 215 cities.
What States Are White Castle Located
The majority of White Castle restaurants are located within the Midwest, Tennesee, and Kentucky or the New York-New Jersey area.
There are a few locations outside of the Midwest and New York located in Nevada, Florida, and Arizona.
Cities With White Castle Restaurants
- Chicago
- Kenosha
- Cinncinati
- Columbus
- Datyon
- Detroit
- Indianpolis
- Las Vegas
- Lexington
- Louisville
- Minneapolis
- Nashville
- New York-New Jersey
- Orlando
- Scottsdale
- St. Louis
- Columbia
What States Do No Have White Castle
There are 34 States that do not have a White Castle Restaurant, they are.
- South Carolina
- Maine
- New Hampshire
- Rhode Island
- Georgia
- California
- New Mexico
- Montana
- Delaware
- North Dakota
- Conneticut
- Idaho
- Hawaii
- Alaska
- Texas
- Virgina
- South Dakota
- Nevada
- Arkansas
- Vermont
- Alabama
- Nebraska
- Utah
- Lousiana
- Iowa
- North Carolina
- Mississippi
- Colorado
- West Virginia
- Oklahoma
- Maryland
- Wyoming
- Washington
- Oregon
What State Has The Most White Castles
Illinois has the most White Castle locations coming in with 63 White Castle restaurants which are 17% of the entire White Castle franchise in the United States.
Indiana and Ohio are not far behind with 55 locations in Indiana and 49 in Ohio.
Is White Castle Worldwide
You may be surprised to discover that White Castle is worldwide with two locations located outside of the United States.
Where Is There A White Castle Outside Of The United States
White Castle has two restaurants located in Shanghai, China.
Where Is The Largest White Castle
The world’s largest White Castle is one of its newest restaurants located in Orlando, Florida.
Where Is The Oldest White Castle
The oldest existing White Castle location is located in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Where Was The First White Castle
The first White Castle restaurant was located in Wichita, Kansas built in 1921.
Where Is White Castle Most Popular
With the majority of its restaurants located in the Midwestern States, that makes White Castle most popular in Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois.

Has White Castle Tried To Expand To More States
In the early 2000s, White Castle tried to expand to more states opening up restaurant locations in Kansas City and Philadelphia.
Unfortunately, those locations were not successful and were closed by 2014.
Has White Castle Tried To Expand To More Countries
In the 1980s White Castle tried expanding internationally opening up a variety of international locations.
- Mexico
- Japan
- Malaysia
- Japan
- South Korea
White Castle had some varying success in these markets during the 80s.
Has There Ever Been A White Castle In Canada
There has never been a White Castle location in Canada, Canadians are able to purchase WHite Castle Burgers in the frozen section of their grocery stores.
What Cities Have The Most White Castles
Chicago | Illinois | 20 |
Cincinnati | Ohio | 18 |
Louisville | Kentucky | 16 |
St. Louis | Missouri | 16 |
Indianapolis | Indiana | 15 |
Columbus | Ohio | 12 |
Detroit | Michigan | 9 |
Minneapolis | Minnesota | 7 |
Bronx | New York | 7 |
Brooklyn | New York | 4 |
Is There A White Castle In Florida
White Castle had locations in Florida in the 1960s which closed within text years of operation.
In 2021, White Castle brought the franchise back to Orlando with it’s largest restaurant ever.
Is There A White Castle In Tampa Florida
At this time, there is not a White Castle location in Tampa, Forida.
Is There A White Castle In North Carolina
North Carolina currently does not have a White Castle Location.
Is There A White Castle In South Carolina
South Carolina does not currently have a White Castle Restaurant.
Is There A White Castle In Georiga
Georgia does not have a White Castle location.
Is There A White Castle In Kansas
Even though White Castle got it’s beginning in Kansas there currently isn’t a restaurant located within the state.
Is There A White Castle In Maryland
Maryland does not have a White Castle location.
Is There A White Castle In Texas
Texas does not have a White Castle restaurant.
Is There A White Castle In Houston
You will not be able to find a White Castle located in Houston.
Is There A White Castle In Washington
At this time there are not any White Castle locations in the state of Washington.
Is There A White Castle In Portland
There isn’t a White Castle location in Portland, Washington.
Is There A White Castle In Utah
White Castle has not expanded it’s locations to include Utah.
Is There A White Castle In California
Although, California has a large population, you will not find a White Caste restaurant in the state.
Is There A White Castle In Nevada
Nevada has four White Castle locations for your mini slider cravings.
Is There A White Castle In Las Vegas
All of White Castles four Nevada restaurants are located in Las Vegas.
Is There a White Castle In Tennessee
White Castle has three locations that are found in Tennessee.
Final Thoughts
White Castle is a very popular fast-food restaurant that has been in and out of the spotlight.
Although, they are located in a limited amount of states, the brand has brought is burgers to every location in the form of frozen silders found in the freezer section.
If you have a craving or just want to try these famous burgers you never have to look to far?